‘Say Love” with Jojo in Her Newest Music Video
“Say Love” was without a doubt my favorite song off of Jojo’s Tringle that she dropped not too earlier this year. After announcing news of her upcoming tour fans have also been patiently waiting for the music videos for all 3 of her songs off of Tringle. Today we are blessed with video number 2 for the song “Say Love”
Jojo told BuzzFeed that “For the second visual off the Tringle, I wanted something to contrast our stylized warehouse from “When Love Hurts.” This song called for something open and intimate, while focusing on the tension of being with someone but not fully being on the same page. Calling out for more. The backdrop of sprawling field and tall trees reminded me of autumn in New England, my favorite time and place. I had so much fun making this video and I hope you love it like I do.”
And we have to say to we love it Jojo, we really do. The video does the song justice and we absolutely have to share it with you.
A lot of cities still have tickets for Jojo’s tour this fall. Make sure to head on over to and buy them QUICK!