Happy Birthday Adam Levine- The Best Adam Tweets!
— Adam Levine (@adamlevine) March 17, 2015
.@blakeshelton My mother is a saint. Leave her outta this.
— Adam Levine (@adamlevine) March 3, 2015
I’d drop the mic, but instead ill just beat @blakeshelton over the head with it. #nightnight
— Adam Levine (@adamlevine) February 25, 2015
.@blakeshelton Hey. Bigfoot. Make yourself useful and fix me a sandwich.
— Adam Levine (@adamlevine) February 24, 2015
My new years resolution is to address and combat the hideous way people treat each other via social media. Please, be kinder to each other.
— Adam Levine (@adamlevine) December 27, 2014
.@blakeshelton Go ahead cowboy, make my day
— Adam Levine (@adamlevine) October 28, 2014
Take me to your leader…
— Adam Levine (@adamlevine) March 6, 2015
To this day any time paradise city comes on I still have the same response. YES! Followed by a clenching and raising of the fist.
— Adam Levine (@adamlevine) August 15, 2014
Jack Black and Jack White should make a record together and call it “black and white.”
— Adam Levine (@adamlevine) May 30, 2014