Santa’s Sleigh is Full Tonight: BoyMeetsWorld
It’s that time of year again where we ask our favorite acts of the year what their most memorable holiday moments are. We’re bringing you an action-packed week full of holiday traditions, moments and music. First up is BoyMeetsWorld, the Cincinnati-based alternative band whose members include the Sulken brothers. Here’s what singer Craig Sulken had to say about his family’s holiday traditions:
“The Sulken’s have a few family traditions during the holiday season. Saint Nick starts off the season at the beginning of December leaving a few gifts for the family. Then, there’s Christmas Eve where the family has a nice dinner and exchange one gift to each member of the family. On Christmas Day, the whole Sulken family gets together for festivities and gift exchanges. Christmas is our favorite time of year for sure.”
The band also released a Christmas album in 2013 that we’ve been jamming to all month long! Merry Christmas, Ya Filthy Animal can be purchased here. And now, for your viewing pleasure, some BoyMeetsWorld videos to accompany their Christmas album.