Positive People: Sanah Jivani
For our third installment of Positive People we knew who to feature right away, 11th grader Sanah Jivani. This girl has done has done more in sixteen years than people do in their entire life times. We can’t wait to see what she accomplishes next!
Hi Sanah Thanks for talking to us! For people who don’t know you can you tell us a bit about yourself?
Sanah: Of course! Where do I start? I owe everything I am today to my mom and Demi Lovato, who are my all-time inspirations. I love princesses and adventures, and you’ll never find me not smiling! When I was three years old I was diagnosed with a hair loss disease called Alopecia. At first, it didn’t affect me very much. When I was in seventh grade though, I lost all of my hair, leaving me insecure and afraid. For a seventh grade girl who was still developing her confidence, this was rough. Especially since I faced a lot of bullying as well. In the end though, everything I went through made me stronger. I am now able to go out in public without my wig. I’ve shared my story, and I’m completely open about my journey. I’ve been offered several opportunities ranging from being featured in J-14 magazine to being on the MTV Stay Strong documentary. I love my life, and I can’t wait to see where my journey will take me next. My biggest goal is to continue to use my story to inspire others.
At sixteen you’ve been in a MTV documentary, gained a great online presence, a Bellaboo intern, creating Natural Day, and so much more! What else do you plan to do this year?
Sanah: Well, one thing I really want to focus on is making this year’s Natural Day bigger than ever. At my school we’re going all out: T-shirts, sticky notes, window painting. I’m so excited to see how big it will be! Other than that, I want to increase its presence throughout the world. I want to see one person from every country on Team Natural. It’s a big goal, but we already have 23 countries around the world participating. My goal was to impact at least one person, so getting this far is a blessing as well! This summer, I’m also going to go to my first NAAF (National Alopecia Areata Foundation) conference. There, I’ll be able to connect with and inspire other Alopecia patients. And in September, I plan to join Hair and Scalp Essentials on their Cruise with a purpose. They provided me with a free cruise after I won their Essay contest! The year has just started and I’ve already been offered so many amazing opportunities! I can’t wait to see what else it brings!
What inspired you to start Natural Day?
Sanah: After going without my wig, I was happier than ever. All my friends tell me that the day I went all Natural, was the day I was set free. My life improved so much after I realized that I was enough as I was. I want to provide other people that satisfaction. I want others who struggle with insecurity to be set free as well. That’s why I created Natural Day. To help everyone love themselves the way they are.
Obviously you’re famous among the Lovatics what has been your favorite moment with Demi?
Sanah: Oh my goodness, I love the Lovatics as much as I love Demi! They are so sweet, and have been such a support system ever since they’ve learned my story. I’ve gotten to know some of them so well, and I’m honored to be friends with such beautiful and sweet individuals. My favorite moment with Demi has to be when we sang on stage together. When she pulled me up there, all I could do was smile. I even forgot the lyrics when she handed me the microphone. I was so nervous and excited and happy all at the same time. It was one of the best moments of my whole life, and I’ll never forget the feeling of being up on that stage with my idol. Just holding her hand, was a great feeling, it helped me feel as if I would never be alone again. And when she looked into my eyes and sang to me, I knew that I was worth something, and that my life was something special. I’ll never forget that moment.