Interview: Danny Adams aka Jim from The Office! Musical Parody
The Office! Musical Parody is the first Off-Broadway production to resume shows in New York City post-COVID. Of course, as the title should suggest, the Off-Broadway hit is about the megahit TV series, The Office. We got to chat with actor Danny Adams on his return to the stage.
How did you get started in theatre?
I started doing theatre when I was in the 3rd grade. Although I was playing a decent amount of seasonal sports at the time, I still had a ton of energy, so my mom signed me up for the local community theatre where I played John in Peter Pan. Growing up in Minneapolis, I was able to be around so many people who were making a career out of theatre, so I definitely could visualize the idea of pursuing theatre as a full-time job. So in the 8th grade, I dumped the idea of being a professional MLB catcher and found ways to spend more of my time in theatre and around the arts.
What was your reaction when you found out your show was going to be one of the first to open up post-pandemic?
Excited! With these vaccines opening up to the general public, and the CDC releasing new guidelines, it feels like we are close to curbing this pandemic, and with that comes the opening of theatres. With The Theatre Center’s safety guidelines in place, we’ll be able to finally provide entertainment to a city that thrives on the theatre community. What’s better than “That’s What She Said” jokes and catchy tunes to bring a smile back to people’s faces (under a mask of course).
Jim and Pam are an iconic couple. How are you guys preparing for this role while attempting to stay six feet apart and masked?
A lot of Jim and Pam’s relationship comes in the small intimate moments that happen from a distance. Jim can never get too close because she is with Roy. They each sort of tip toe this flirty/friendly relationship, so it’s all in the eye glances, the collaborative pranks on Dwight, and celebratory air high fives. So it’s the building of a relationship from a distance in order to come together. It’s what creates the tension and the audience anticipation of them falling in love.
How do you think Jim and Pam would have handled COVID-19?
Jim would be a huuuuuge Faucci fan. I don’t think he would’ve minded staying home for work as long as he was with Pam. I see him as a big shorts and dress shirt kind of guy. Jim and Pam’s possible zoom pranks on Dwight would be something to see.
What’s your favorite song in the show?
“Nasty.” It’s the Meredith song you didn’t know you needed until you see the show.
If someone, god knows why, has never seen The Office, how would you convince them to come to your show?
The beautiful thing about The Office is that it is about how the individual is needed for the community to thrive. Without Dwight, Jim and Pam wouldn’t have someone to prank and eventually come to respect and be friends with. This show is about celebrating each other and embracing community. Because what would we be without our friends and family? This office is a family, and especially during such a dark time in modern history, we need community and need to celebrate each other. We also need to laugh, and this show provides plenty of that.
What do you think the future of live theatre is going to look like? Will stage door ever exist again?
I think live theatre will eventually come back to what it was before with masks off and people filling the theatres. It will take time, but with this vaccine being distributed to the general public, the correct ventilation being implemented, theatre will shine. We have seen it in many different instances of music theatre and theatre history that when a difficult moment occurs, theatre and entertainment has come in to heal and bring joy back to the audience it serves. I can’t quite give an answer if the stage door will exist, but I can tell you that we are excited to be back performing for audiences and are so grateful for their support and love for coming to any show.
Other than The Office, what did you watch, read and listen to during quarantine?
My family and I were definitely all in on Tiger King when it came out. Dead to Me and Ozark were also a quick binges for my girlfriend and I. I was also able to knock out some bigger books on my list like the Game of Thrones series, and It by Stephen King. I also became an avid listener of some podcasts like The Daily, How to Save a Planet, and Dissect.
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