Hidden Gems In Taylor Swift’s End Game Music Video
Similar motorcycles were used in previous music videos Look What You Made Me Do and Bad Blood.
If you look by the pillar in the solo Taylor scene you’ll see her cat Olivia in the background.
The rainbow dress she wore was also used in promo shots for her album.
In the karaoke bar scene the video playing shows Tron-like motorcycles.
With Future in the car scene if you pause it right you see Christmas decorations outside.
There’s a famous fast food chain translated to Chicken & Ribs in the outside Tokyo scene.
Taylor LITERALLY played the game Snake in her music video. SHE DID THAT!
The car’s license plate had 13 along with the jukebox that had 13 as well.
The end scene could be New Year’s Eve (with the fireworks and toasting) a nod to her song New Years Day.
The juice pouch she drinks in Tokyo translates to End Game in English.