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Fried Squid Premieres “Ma Méditerranée” Music Video

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Our favorite French trio Fried Squid just released their first official music video, and we couldn’t be more excited about it!

Shot in sunny Andalusia and directed by Carole Gounot, the video for “Ma Méditerranée” stars Mila Lemal Bonilla as little Marie, a young Spanish girl forced to move away after her dad gets a promotion.

“[The Music video] tells the true story of Marie, a young Andalusian who had to give up her beloved and sunny Spanish homeland to follow her family for a new life in the middle of France,” the band shared. “As she holds on to the memories of brighter days, filled with Spanish music, a wide blue sea and sense of comfort in a cherished home, she must find a way to cope with acceptation, adaptation and loneliness, by embracing these precious remembrances.”

“Ma Méditerranée” was co-written by the band and Marie Leroux, and is featured on the group’s latest 4-track EP, Long Long Walk, which you can find on Spotify, iTunes & Google Store.


30-year-old writer, photographer and design editor located in Bordeaux, France. I bring queer content everywhere I go :) Inquiries at lex@stagerightsecrets.com