- You signed with Capitol Records this past year, what made you sign with them?
It’s with no doubts an incredible label but who really convinced me to sign Nate Alberts, the A&R that sent me the offer. I really appreciated the work he has done with The Weekndwhen he was at Republic. I felt he understood my vision and where I want to go.
- Your music defies genres, what would you describe your style as for people who haven’t listened to you yet?
I can’t really describe/label my music, can artists ever do? 🙂
- Do genres still matter in music for you personally?
They don’t, I never really thought about belonging to a specific genre or scene. I like experimenting and crossing boundaries without paying much attention to styles/genres.
- How did your songwriting and producing talents come to be?
I’ve started playing the piano when I was really young, then picked up the drums, started producing, composing, Djing, performing and touring. Each of these experiences taught me something together and I have had the chance to learn from lots of talented people I collaborated with along the way. I love learning, I constantly push myself towards new goals and experiences.
- Splitting your time in LA and Europe does the music you write/produce in each place have a specific vibe or presence in the music you make?
My favorite environment to work on music is my hometown in Italy, during summer time. There’s a very special vibe in thehouse where I grew up, it overlooks the lake and mountains, its peaceful and beautiful and there are no distractions. I’m not a fan of traditional studios, I like open spaces and and nature. But I write my songs a little bit everywhere, I don’t think the place itself has that big of a role. I tend to write most of the new songs when I’m in LA and then finish production and mixes in Italy.
- Your latest single is with Soran and Reo, how did you choose them to collaborate with?
I discovered Soran on Youtube through a cover he did of Post Malone’s Rockstar. One of Reo’s A&R came by the studio to play me his music around the same week. They are but incredibly talented and blew me away the first time I listened. I knew they would be perfect for the song.
- Can we expect a music video for the single?
Not for Your Love but most likely for the next one.