Catching up with Zac Farro: HalfNoise, “Sudden Feeling” and Paramore
Zac Farro is on the road again, this time with his latest and most repeat-worthy album, Sudden Feeling. Shedding the “former”, “ex” and other singular titles that have accompanied his name in the past, the HalfNoise creator and frontman can be seen clearly for this vibey, stuck in your head, play it through escape.
Don’t miss the opportunity to see HalfNoise live, dance around to “Know The Feeling” and let their set heat up your fall. While Sudden Feeling plays through like a dream, don’t be fooled into thinking the meaning and lyrics are fueled on warm and fuzzy. Using his experience, vision and point of view, Farro paints a picture worthy of a second take and closer look leaving a lingering intrigue for what’s next.
Stage Right Secrets: How’s tour going? Have there been any stand out cities / moments / experiences you want to share?
Zac Farro: Denver was amazing, Lovely city and awesome people that were super rad to play for! This tour has just really begun so not really anything to crazy yet! Hopefully we get some soon!
Sudden Feeling has been out for almost two months. What’s the response been like? Anything surprising or unexpected?
Sudden Feeling has been doing great! being able to tour and play these songs live and seeing people get into it and sign along has far surpassed any expectations. Everyone has been super encouraging about the album itself and I couldn’t be happier with how it’s being received.
What was the process like from your first inspiration or idea for this album to releasing the album itself in September?
I spent a few weeks trying to find a starting point for this album, Then one day I wrote the song “Love You Back” and that sort set the template for the rest of the album, that week I started and wrote over half the album. Then I went out to LA to produce and record it. After that you just try to share it and build a team up to release it the best way you can. I have the best team of people around me and the things we have accomplished already is so rad and amazing.
What was the biggest challenge in creating Sudden Feeling? What season of life would you say you were in while writing, editing, making the album?
Honestly the biggest challenge was that time went by too fast. It was the most enjoyable season of creating in my entire life. I had never felt so connected to my art and passion as I did making this album. Then the time just went faster once I went out to LA to record with Phil and Scotty. I could have made this album for a year and have been stoked. You don’t really ever hear that there wasn’t one bummer moment of making an album. I loved every part of it.
How has your confidence in yourself and your sound as a front man grown over the years through your artistry in HALFNOISE?
It has grown tremendously, and not really because I feel like I have gotten so much better at being a front man, Although I have grown in that, I just have been working hard at it for a few years now and I feel like it shows.
How did you go about choosing the album art for Sudden Feeling, which is a very important aspect for you, tying the music to album art, music videos, teasers?
I have two managers I work with now that understand the importance of the aesthetic of HN and understand my vision. So for the art and videos, We just collaborated on ideas of artists we love. Dan Romanoski came up because he’s a rad artist we like, so we reached out to him and explained the album and sent him a few tracks and he sent over the cover.
How challenging or difficult is it to choose a touring band when every sound on the album comes from you as a solo artist? Or is it a nice excuse to bring some of your talented friends on the road with you?
It definitely has its challenges, But I mainly try to just always incorporate my friends as much as I can, because the hangs on the road are so crucial. Good thing almost all of them are extremely talented and kill it.
People site similar sounds for HALFNOISE as groups like Tame Impala, M83. Who gets your vote for best album of 2016? Did you get to see any shows this year that made a lasting impression?
Although I love both Tame Impala and M83, I’d have to say my top album and show of 2016 are both Radiohead. I got to see them play Madison Square Garden in NYC. It was hands down the best arena show I have ever seen.
Being an accomplished member of a band and now as a solo artist, is there a difference in pride you feel when touring or after completing an album that is entirely your own vision and intention?
Its such a unique feeling and although they are similar because of music. I view them super differently, I love being a part of a band as well as fronting and creating everything on my own. They both have separate rewards. I do love playing HN shows and looking back and seeing a band preforming songs I started just in my little studio room. It’s such an amazing feeling to start something from nothing and then turn it into an album and shows etc.
While you can’t discuss the album itself yet, is there a possibility we could see you touring with Paramore in 2017 or beyond? What was it like creating with them again?
The touring is still up in the air at this point, I was just asked to play on the album which was such a massive treat. It was my favorite album I’ve ever got to play on and I can’t wait for people to experience it! Creating with them again felt so incredible and it did wonders for me as a person for those relationships to be mended completely and to make art again with my old pals.
See if HalfNoise is coming to a city near you below, tickets can be found here.
NOV 4 FRI Beat Kitchen, Chicago, IL
NOV 5 SAT Studio B, Minneapolis, MN
NOV 7 MON Pike Room, Pontiac, MI
NOV 9 WED DC9 Nightclub, Washington, DC
NOV 10 THU Rough Trade, Brooklyn, NY
NOV 11 FRI The Ballroom at The Outer Space, Hamden, CT
NOV 12 SAT Milkboy, Philadelphia, PA
NOV 14 MON Local 506 Chapel Hill, NC
NOV 15 TUE Purgatory, Atlanta, GA
NOV 16 WED Backbooth, Orlando, FL
NOV 18 FRI New World Brewery, Tampa, FL
NOV 20 SUN Exit/In, Nashville, TN