Carrie Underwood Surprises Crowder Set At Passion Conference!
Thanks @crowdermusic for an amazing night of music and to our special guest @carrieunderwood for joining us at Passion 2017! What at start! pic.twitter.com/I0xpy43n8b
— Passion Conferences (@passion268) January 3, 2017
How many people can say Carrie Underwood crashed their set at a conference? Only Crowder can. Check out performance videos from fans below. “Carrie performed Something In The Water” alongside Crowder at the conference in Georgia on Monday night.
Just saw @carrieunderwood live. Almost died. pic.twitter.com/WWRHrCRE1J
— Tyra Wang (@WangTyra) January 3, 2017
that moment when @carrieunderwood makes a surprise appearance at #passion2017 and you're not sure if you should scream or cry or sing pic.twitter.com/ajWIyZgROv
— Caitlyn Ann (@caaluttrell) January 3, 2017
When @CarrieUnderwood shows up at @passion268! ? #Passion2017 pic.twitter.com/gHMKWcS5al
— Ryan Wesley Smith (@RyanWesleySmith) January 3, 2017