Exclusive Q&A: Calby Shares All About His Debut Album
Danish singer/songwriter Calby released his debut album Burnout on May 21st and we got to chat with him on the release and his upcoming tour.
Stage Right Secrets | Congratulations on your debut album Burnout! What do you hope listeners take away from it?
Calby | Thank you so much! Overall I hope people feel uplifted when they listen to my music – the tunes on the album make up pieces of a puzzle, and that puzzle put together is supposed to leave you with a feeling, a bigger picture – That’s the art form of an album to me…I don’t presume to know what that feeling should or would be for the individual listener, all I can do is try and evoke it.
How would you best describe your sound?
Ha! Hmm – Dusty, Punchy & Silky.
Do you feel being Danish shaped your views on music in any way?
Denmark is such a small country – you can literally drive from one end to the other in a day. I think that’s instilled a healthy dose of escapism in me – and that’s reflected in my music.
Are there any misconceptions about being Danish that you wish to break?
I’m not sure that I’m aware of any major misconceptions of the Danes. We do drink a lot, so that’s true. I’ve read somewhere that we were named the happiest people on earth – I think that might be stretching it. These generalizations never quite hit the mark, do they? Oh, wait – Someone once asked me if Denmark was the Capital of Sweden. I can say with absolute certainty – it is not.
I would love to visit one day. What are some places I should check out?
Come to Copenhagen – you’ll love it. One of the great things about it is that you can walk anywhere – start out in the old city center and go from there – any direction is good. That’s what I’d do.
Are you excited to get back on the road for your fall tour?
I’m beyond excited. It’s been such a weird vacuum not having live music in my life.
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How is this tour going to be different from your previous shows?
I’ve played shows, where no one in the crowd knew a single one of my songs. I’ve played shows, where the audience was familiar with two or three singles. This is the first time ever that I’m doing a show, where the audience has had a chance to get acquainted with the entire album beforehand. I can’t wait to see what that’s gonna be like.
What did you watch, read, and listen to during the pandemic?
I was on my Tiger King thing (like most of the western world I guess.) After that, I screen-OD’d for a good while and turned to audiobooks and walking 10.000 steps a day. That actually got me through a long winter of canceled shows and lockdowns. Favorite books from the last 6 months would be: A Movable Feast (Hemmingway), A Promised Land (Obama), and The Socrates Express (E. Weiner.) Music-wise I try to be all-consuming. 3 songs in heavy rotation at the moment would be Jazmine Sullivan “Pick Up Your Feelings”, Leon Bridges “Motorbike” and Joni Mitchell “Cactus Tree – 2021 remaster”