Vans Warped Tour Volunteer Guide!
Hi guys it’s that time of year again! VANS WARPED TOUR! I am currently in the process of making a survival video guide with some tips and tricks even season warped veterans don’t know about. If you didn’t know our staff are some roadies ourselves. Tess our blogger has played Vans Warped tour for the past five years and will be playing West coast dates for this summer. Gabbie worked for KIA last summer, and Brittney will be going out this summer. I have tour managed last year and assisted the year prior.
VOLUNTEERS. First off you can go the general route and email
Warped reporters you help the kids in line collect and fill out the surveys you can apply for here.
Natalie, who is the volunteer coordinator has a general form for volunteering here.
A great organization Feed Our Children now is looking for volunteers on select dates here.
New this year is the Testicular Cancer Awareness Foundation is looking for volunteers here.
Invisible Children is looking for people you can fill out here.
Music Saves Lives is always looking for volunteers you can check out the details here.
Steal Kill and Destroy (A Christian organization) is looking for people to help out here.
Portland fans Donate Life Northwest needs 3-4 volunteers you can sign up here.
Warped Eco Initiative is looking for multiple volunteers every day here.
Unite The United foundation has a form you can fill out here.
My Live Vs Your Vacation a great clothing company has a form you can check out here.
Smooth sailing is looking for street teamers to help out on Warped here.
Catering always needs volunteers to help serve food, in return you usually get perks like side stage for your favorite band.
It never hurts to contact an organization PROFESSIONALLY (with an email or phone call).
MAKE SURE YOU READ THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS! Some require a certain age or term! Include your full name, age, city, and any experience you have, and why you like the company.
There are more opportunities if you join a street team like PETA, Fearless, or TWLOHA.
- · Expect to arrive early.
- · You are WORKING you can probably catch a couple sets but you’re there to do a job and help out.
- · These are amazing contacts, do not ruin it be professional! Two years later after volunteering I got on a leg of the tour! You can do it, stay positive!
- · Do not expect to get on the rest of the Warped tour after helping out at one date.
- · You usually help with set up and take down of the tent and merchandise.
- · It is a long day, bring a snack and food if you don’t want to wait in a very long line.
- · They usually give you water but it never hurts to bring an extra bottle, you will get thirsty fast!
- · RESPECT THE CREW they are some of the most hardest working people out there and are some of the most incredible people.
If you want any advice or have questions feel free to tweet me or email me!