Tour Announcement: A Day to Remember Is Hitting the Road!
By Becca Greve |
Right now, it’s really felt like All I Want (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) is for A Day to Remember to tour the US. Our prayers have been answered and they’ll be hitting the road this spring for the “Just Some Shows” tour! Support will come from Parkway Drive and State Champs! Tickets are already available on their website here! Check out the dates below and let us know what city you’ll be rocking out in!
Becca Greve
Twenty six, majored in what most understand as the ability to speak, but is actually Communication, from Saint Xavier University. Proud born and raised Chicagoan! Enjoys music, the Chicago Blackhawks, Zac Efron, Harry Potter, Disney, and spending too much time on the Internet.
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