What is it with ‘Squads’ these days? All you hear about is whose squad is better and how many people are in the squad. The more popular squad goal is Taylor Swift, who at the MTV Music Awards decided to invite her whole squad to attend with her and bring them all up on stage, when she won for Bad Blood. It’s funny to think that what normal people see as just friends or a good group of friends, the media has changed it into ‘Squads’. We no longer have groups of friends or close friends. Nope, we are not in the 90’s anymore. We want to make sure that our ‘squad’ is better and bigger than the rest. Being in a squad means that you have a group of close friends who can be called on to chat or go out and have fun. You treat each other with respect and with that come some good times. It’s fun to see Taylor with her ‘squad’, because she brings them up on stage with her, hangs out with them, and even parties with them. She is probably one of the few people that have multiple ‘squads’. Her friends most likely reach about 10-15 friends. They are all friends within that group as well. They all hang out with or without her. Having the best squad is not a challenge that we see these days, but in the media aspect, we see it as whose squad is bigger and better. There have been some people dismissing the whole squad goals and trying to figure out if it’s really worth it. Hannah Mescon from Elite Daily mentioned in her article that “At best, these buzz words might serve as an interesting lens through which we can examine our culture’s often-misguided priorities and our increasing obsession with image and status.” She makes a good point. After the MTV Music Awards Miley Cyrus was quotes saying that “I’m not trying to be in a squad. None of my friends are famous and not because of any other reason than I just like real people who are living real lives.” But no matter what good or bad publicity and what society thinks of this ‘goal’ you can’t deny that it just might be a fad. No matter what, we can all agree that a group of friends, for now, is all about ‘squad goals’.