Our Exclusive Chat With Lana Chalfoun
Lana Chalfoun is only fifteen years old and is already creating huge buzz over her recent song, “Be Ok”, that focuses on anxiety in the music industry. She took over our Instagram (plus our hearts) and we got the chance to chat with her on it all.
What can you tell us about your three upcoming singles?
“Be Ok” was just released, but I have two more singles coming out soon called “Get Mad” and “Cut Off.”
Your song “Be Ok” is all about the industry. What advice would you give to someone just starting out?
I would say to everyone starting off to just keep doing it because you love it. Work hard, but enjoy the process. Success will follow, don’t worry about the future.
With all the craziness going on in the world right now, what do you think the future of the music industry will look like?
Although tours are postponed, streaming, and content within the industry has probably increased dramatically. So I think it’s a good and bad thing for the industry.
When did you realize songwriting was your calling?
When I was about ten years old, I found a love for songwriting. It spoke to my soul like nothing had ever before so I knew that that’s where I wanted to take my life.
Tell us about your song, “Bring Them Home”, that won the grand prize for the nationwide U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Campaign contest ‘Creating on the Margins,’ addressing the plight of migrants and refugees.
I wrote that song based off of my dad’s experience as an immigrant. He came here from Lebanon, escaping war, and turned his life into a success story. I think that his story along with all of those of immigrants/refugees should be shared because of the difficulties they have to go through. Winning the prize was insane, and I got to go to Florida and perform for 2,000 people!
You were invited to attend Judy Stakee’s singer-songwriter camp in NYC, as one of the youngest students ever accepted. What was that experience like?
It was super cool. I got to meet a lot of amazing songwriters, experience writing under pressure, and work/collaborate with adults. Definitely learned a lot.
What could possibly be next for you? Do you have a five-year plan or anything like that?
I have a lot of goals, but for right now, I am just seeing where everything goes and working hard to make it happen. I would love to turn music into a full-time career, so I would say that’s my plan.
What have you been watching, reading, and listening to during quarantine?
Binged the Haunting of Hill House, and have been really catching up on my bands. New favorite is Grouplove.