Off The Record Nashville Spotlight: The Giving Keys
The Giving Keys are unlike any other fashion company out there. First off, they employ those transitioning out of homelessness. Their whole mantra is something of giving and caring for one another.
The best part about the giving keys is that you give yours to someone who needs whatever your key says on it (strength, hope, love, etc.) It’s made thousands upon thousands of impacts.
Whether you are a dreamer, survivor, or rebel there is something for everyone. The keys tell your personal story and can make a difference in many lives.
The brand has partnered with Off The Record Nashville’s Fashion Show which benefits Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee.
To purchase tickets or read more about the fashion show Click Here.
Check out The Giving Keys website to read stories of the keys being given to someone in need. It’s truly remarkable. Pay it forward and buy a key today!