Earlier today Keith Urban, celebrated his 4th #1 song (“Blue Ain’t Your Color”) from RIPCORD, along with writers Clint Lagerberg, Hillary Lindsey and Steven Lee Olsen. Urban joined the songwriters for a special performance of “Blue Ain’t Your Color” before the four-time Grammy Award winner was surprised with several plaques celebrating various milestones. UMGN Chairman and CEO Mike Dungan presented plaques for Ripcord debuting at #1 in the United States, Australia and Canada and “Blue Ain’t Your Color” being the most streamed country song for 13 weeks. Billboard’s Jim Asker presented a plaque for 37 Top 10 career singles. Pandora’s Beville Dunkerley presented a plaque commemorating Urban’s cumulative 2 billion streams as well as 40 million stream thus far on “Blue Ain’t Your Color”.
Pictured from left to right:
Back Row: Elisabeth Ashley (Borman Entertainment), Cindy Mabe (UMGN), Mike Dungan (UMGN), Jim Asker (Billboard), Beville Dunkerley (Pandora), Rachel Whitney (Pandora)
Front Row: Dann Huff (“Blue” producer), Steven Lee Olsen, Urban, Hillary Lindsey, Clint Lagerberg