American Dream Tour Review: MKTO, Tiffany Houghton, and Action Item!
The last night of the American Dream Tour at the House of Blues in Chicago, IL was jam packed. Most of the crowd were smashed together in the pit just waiting for the show to begin. We had the pleasure of talking with Tiffany Houghton, and MKTO. Tiffany is too adorable in person and was nothing but a total sweetheart to everyone. Tony and Malcolm (MKTO) wanted advice for deep dish pizza, we also tested their bromance with a game.
The night began with Tiffany’s set getting the crowd hyped up. The crowd was really receptive to her, even chanting her name; while her proud family watched on. Her stage presence has the makings of Taylor Swift, which is utterly incredible for being her first tour with a full band. If you haven’t heard of Tiffany I recommend you check out the music video for “High” and then once you get hooked, check out her latest single The Best!
Action Item I’ve heard before but have never seen a full set of theirs. They started off with “Marching Band” utilizing a bass drum and snare drum played by their guitarist Anthony and bass guitarist David. I admire at how grateful and happy they were to be on the stage. Anthony couldn’t stop smiling. Brian had stupendous vocals with great pitch consistency. The band closed out posing for an “epic concert picture” for the fans.
MKTO blew me away! They had so much love and energy to bring to the crowd. God Only Knows is one of my favorite songs, hearing it live was so much better than off the album. If you think their album is good, wait until you see their live show and hear their live vocals. Definitely a sight to see and not miss! The duo worked perfectly together even doing a drum solo simultaneously to the roar of the audience. I haven’t seen so many fans try to reach out and grab the band’s hands. The men obliged to the squealing and screaming of fans in the first row, writing this my ears are still ringing. I was shocked to see Malcolm play the piano so well, I was impressed. Closing out the night with “Classic” and “Thank You” Malcolm’s shirt came off and the crowd was bouncing all over. I see a bright future ahead for this duo and can’t wait to see them when they sell out stadiums.