Shadow of Whales Review!
2014’s hottest music trend is a mix between rock guitars and boy-band style harmonies, and Texas’s Shadow of Whales consists of five young men that have perfected this trend. While the band is still in the newbie stage, their background in music is not. They’ve just dropped their self-titled EP and it is on point. Consisting of just six songs, the EP models what a band’s first record should sound like.
Goosebumps are my initial reaction to the opening of the first track, “Dream”. With its smooth transitions between each track and general awe of the sounds and vocals, I found myself constantly bobbing my head and tapping my foot to every song. Near the end of the record, I became completely engrossed with “Bury the Hatchet” and played it about five times before moving on to “Pretenders”. It’s definitely the stand-out track on the album and creates an ideal interweave amongst genres.
As if this band hasn’t already caught my attention, they are also passionate about causes such as heartsupport which was created by August Burns Red’s Jake Luhrs. They have also spoken multiple times on the roots of the band, which is positivity and hope. By the sounds of things, it’s looking like Shadow of Whales is moving in the right direction.
Shadow of Whales self-titled EP is available on iTunes.