
Introducing the Music’s Mental Health Fund

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It isn’t news that mental health has been a taboo everywhere, but in the recent years, the COVID-19 pandemic has only made things worse. Although the years have passed and tremendous progress has been made, mental health remains today a subject that only a few people dare speak about, and most importantly a subject that comes with a cost.

But Backline and Sweet Relief Musicians Fund have decided to team up to change things, one industry at a time.

The two organisations have partnered up to provide no-cost therapy to music industry professionals in need. The organizations, which provide financial and mental health support to the music industry, respectively, are joining forces to fill a critical gap in accessing services.

Backline, the music industry’s mental health and wellness resource, offers a Case Management service that assesses and refers music industry professionals to care providers, organizations, and financial services to support their overall health and wellbeing. Case Managers provide a mental health plan that specifically matches a client’s needs, resources, and location. 

Clients who are not able to afford the mental health care recommended to them, can now apply for a grant via Sweet Relief’s Music’s Mental Health Fund. This grant is intended to cover unmet costs for a specified number of sessions with a dedicated clinician.

To formally launch the fund, Sweet Relief and Backline are running a campaign on social impact platform, Propeller, which hopes to raise $100,000 towards Music’s Mental Health Fund in order to provide mental health resources to approximately 250 music industry professionals and family members in need.

The campaign includes one-of-a-kind auction items including Bishop Briggs’ custom Coachella Outfit, signed guitars from Judas Priest, Dave Mason, and Bob Weir, as well as sweepstakes opportunities to attend some of the country’s premier music festivals including Luck Reunion, Lollapalooza, Electric Forest and more.

Music lovers from all walks of life can take part in this monumental opportunity to support a program that breaks down stigma and financial barriers to accessing support. 

About Sweet Relief Musicians Fund:
In 1993 Sweet Relief Musicians Fund was incorporated as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity, and has since been offering vital assistance to professional musical artists in need. Sweet Relief is a resource for music industry professionals, providing emergency financial assistance and other forms of support to career musicians, road crew and anyone who makes the majority of their income in the music business. 

Backline is a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that connects music industry professionals and their families with mental health and wellness resources—streamlining access to a network of trusted organizations and care providers that truly understand this line of work. 
Life in this industry can be incredibly isolating and difficult; Backline provides a safe, private, and immediate place to go for help. Available for free to artists, managers, agents, crew, producers, labels, and their families, Backline programs offer case management, support groups, and wellness programs to meet the needs of this unique community.

30-year-old writer, photographer and design editor located in Bordeaux, France. I bring queer content everywhere I go :) Inquiries at