
Exclusive: Ingrid Rogers on “Bosch” Season 4

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Ingrid Rogers broke out onto the scene in the iconic “All My Children”. From there she went on to work with famous producers and the likes of Al Pacino and Sean Penn. Now she’s in her fourth season of Amazon’s hit “Bosch” and the fifth season will begin shooting soon. There is no slowing down for this lovely lady!

SRS: “Bosch” is entering season 4 and season 5 is already green lit! Congratulations! What can you tell us about this new season?

IR: Thank you! It’s another compelling case that starts at Angels Flight and will keep audiences on the edge of their seats. As for my character, the relationship with LaTonya and J. Edgar gets more deeply explored and challenged by the realities of a life in law enforcement.

SRS: What do you think audiences love most about the show?

IR: What’s not to love. The writers create incredibly smart and engaging story lines that grab the audience and take them on a ride for ten episodes. The acting is on point, starting from the top with Titus Welliver and Jamie Hector all the way down to each guest star. The cinematography is off the chain; reflective of film noir genius. There’s no pretense on this show. It’s real. It’s gritty. It’s engaging.

Me and my chair #setlife #actress #lovinglife @boschamazon season4??

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SRS: How is working for Amazon different compared to a traditional network?

IR: To me it’s like shopping at a funky boutique (Amazon) as opposed to a big mall (traditional network). Amazon has the freedom to create their “boutique” shows the way they want while traditional network is required to create within the confines of what has proven successful in the “mall”. The beauty of platforms like Amazon is it gives us choices so we can shop where we like.

SRS: Was there an exact moment you realized “this is what I want to do for the rest of my life”?

IR: Yes. When I was in grade 12 of high school, my theatre arts class wrote and acted in a play called “Syanova” about apartheid. I loved being able to tell a powerful story and affect an audience so they left, thinking or feeling differently than when they walked in. After that experience I knew I wanted to be an actor. Still, I took about a year and a half detour studying business in university but thankfully I found my way back to what I love.

Jamaican girl?? #tbt #jamaica #irie #grandmumsgarden

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SRS: So you were born in Canada, raised in Jamaica and currently reside in California. How do the three nations compare?

IR: Well, Canada is north, Jamaica is south and California is west… Jokes aside, Toronto is my roots. It’s where most of my family lives. The people are friendly and hardworking, and of course the winters are not for the faint of heart. Jamaica is also my roots. I haven’t been back for a long time but my memories are filled with warm, blue water and white sandy beaches; smiling faces and welcoming arms. Los Angeles is my home. It’s Hollywood and just a short drive away it’s peaceful nature. It’s good food, friends and family. I also lived in NYC for a long time. In my opinion, she is the creative, electric spark of the world and will always have my heart.

SRS: We hear you have a very healthy diet and lifestyle. What’s your go to favorite snack while on set?

IR: Usually I’ll stick with almonds, cashews or a protein bar and lots of water. BUT, the camera guys on Bosch would combine party mix and chocolate covered almonds and then all bets were off. The salty and sweet is so delicious. I had to use serious discipline not to eat cup-fulls of that yumminess.

Yummy @cocosuissela #chocolatelover #delicious #dessert

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SRS: Is there a dream role you wish to play in the future?

IR: The black woman version of Bosch. She’s a badass and really competent at her job while tackling her own personal and professional demons.

SRS: Do you your children have any interest in acting?

IR: My son’s teacher recently told him after a performance that he could have a career in acting if he wants. So yes, he’s interested in acting, he’s just not sure that he wants to pursue it as a career. He’s also an awesome MC and performer. You can check out his music at “AjnaCA” on SoundCloud.