Album Reviews
“Fall Into Me” Album Review
Fall Into Me is Katie’s fourth studio album and she sure didn’t disappoint. The album has mostly lost love songs with the ending being one of the best ballads I’ve heard. Safe written by Armiger and Mallary Hope made a raw vocally stunning ballad. At only 21 Katie co-wrote every song on her album.
Better In A Black Dress has a Miranda Lambert meets Carrie Underwood attitude. This is the ultimate independence song for women everywhere, the music video has that fire I love to see in musicians. Okay Alone has to be my favorite song off her album I can just sway along to the song for days. I put it on repeat at least for 5 times, it’s that good. He’s Gonna Change I can picture Katie rolling her eyes with sarcasm— no he’s not. Definitely go check out her album on Itunes preview the songs and after the first 30 seconds I guarantee you’ll want to buy it! Congrats on a masterpiece Katie!