50 Best Top 40 Songs of 2014!
It’s the last day of 2014, so it’s time to wrap up the year in music. We put together a Spotify playlist of the top 48 of top 40 songs from this year for you, and here it is!
Hopefully it will help you reminisce a bit and maybe even help you ring in the new year!
A few additional notes: the songs are in no particular order, simply that of the order in which they were thought of. Also, in case anyone is wondering why there’s only 48 songs, not 50, it’s because the ever lovely miss Taylor Swift’s music isn’t in the Spotify catalogue, and there’s no denying that the two singles off 1989 have been some of best of the year. We included them both below for you, so you can listen to them as well. Enjoy!
Hope everyone has a fun and safe New Years Eve! 2015, bring it on!