Positive People: Caleigh Haber
Do me a favor; breathe in and breathe out, doesn’t that feel good? Imagine breathing with difficulty and pain, that’s what Caleigh goes through on a daily basis because of Cystic Fibrosis. Because the disease has progressed this Caleigh is in need of a costly double lung transplant. A double lung transplant is millions of dollars.
Let me tell you guys a bit about Caleigh, besides having an infectious smile and great perspective on life, Caleigh has impacted my life personally. Just reading her blogs and posts I feel so much positivity. Caleigh was a USA cheerleader, studied pastry and baking, and has the cutest dog named Londers.
It is the holiday season, so how about instead of buying a new shirt or even a pack of gum how about donating for Caleigh’s new lungs? If you can’t donate please share her website www.fight2breathe.org and maybe someone you know can! So let’s get Caleigh new lungs to breathe easier!
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