Listen to Ed Sheeran’s Album “÷” Divide Now + Track By Track Recap!
Let it be known that March 3rd we were blessed with a new Ed Sheeran album after much anticipation. The wait was well worth it. The album itself features different genres and styles leaving something for everyone!
Now let us break down the tracks for you.
Eraser is an upbeat track featuring Ed rapping about the negative side of the music industry.
Castle On The Hill is a beautiful ode to Ed’s hometown, it’s a great pop singalong.
Dive showcases Ed’s soulful side bringing extreme emotion and vulnerability.
Shape of You, need we say more about the number one single?
Galway Girl is possibly the biggest surprise off the album featuring a folk band. Yes you read that right. A must listen!
Happier is a phenomenal ballad focusing on failed relationships that ever so slightly cracks a part of your heart.
New Man brings out Ed’s almost jealous side singing about an ex-lover’s new beau.
Heart’s Don’t Break Around Here will be the wedding song of the century period.
What Do I Know is just a positive tune to groove to with Ed’s electric guitar featured.
How Would You Feel (Paean) is a masterful love song performed best acoustically, which Ed released this past month.
Supermarket Flowers is one of the saddest, most realatable songs you’ll hear in your lifetime. It talks about losing a loved one and going through the motions of grieving.