
GO GOOD | The Girl Store

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The concept is simple, and yet, literally life-changing.

If I told you you could prevent a little girl from being sold into slavery or forced into marriage with only $5, would you believe me?

Probably not, I didn’t believe it either until yesterday. And yet, this is what Project Nanhi Kali and The Girl Store are aiming towards.

Initiated in 1996 by the K. C. Mahindra Education Trust (KCMET), Project Nanhi Kali is a participatory project where you can sponsor the education of an underprivileged Indian girl by buying the necessary items for her to go to school. Indeed, in some parts of India, sending girls to school is still felt as a financial burden to parents, whom either decide not to enroll them at all, or to take them out of school after only one or two years in order to privilege their son’s education.

Shoes, school bags, pencils, books, uniforms, each girl’s 4 items prices are representative of the total cost of academic & material support for a whole year. With only $60, you can sponsor a Nanhi Kali in primary school, while with $90, you can sponsor a Nanhi Kali in secondary school. Thereafter, in the first year sponsors receive the photograph, profile and progress report of the Nanhi Kali they support, in order to be updated on how she is faring in both academics as well as extracurricular activities.




30-year-old writer, photographer and design editor located in Bordeaux, France. I bring queer content everywhere I go :) Inquiries at