Hannah Hausman Navigates Closure In New Music Video
Indie-pop singer-songwriter Hannah Hausman returns with a new moody music video for her 2021 debut “will i ever feel like this again?” out now via Quadio Records.
Written like a diary entry as she examines her innermost thoughts and emotions, “will i ever feel like this again?” echoes the key questions one asks themselves in an on-again off-again relationship.
Speaking on the song, Hannah Hausman says, “I wrote this when I started to realize the person I was in love with was wrong for me. Our relationship was so toxic and I knew I needed to walk away, but he made me feel something I had never felt before. I knew I was being used and manipulated, but I was so scared of falling into apathy, so I stayed way longer than I should have. Writing this helped process my conflicting feelings and I wanted the video to showcase these same emotions that I felt while writing the song. “
Blending nostalgic analogue film and somber kaleidoscopic effects, the introspective video takes the bittersweet track to new levels as she navigates between apathy, heartbreak, and closure. Filmed throughout Downtown Los Angeles, the video alternates between three different scenes illustrating various phases of loss and acceptance. The blue room represents detachment and isolation. She explains, “In this scene I’m basically alone with my thoughts, trapped in my room trying to figure out what to do next.” The rain room depicts mourning and vindication as she washes all the lies away to start over again. Finally, the underpass shines a light on her newfound freedom. “This scene was super important to me because a year earlier, my ex and I had a photo and video shoot for a song we wrote together in this very same location,” notes Hannah Hausman, “It felt so freeing to come back on my own for the first time since.”
The LA by-way-of Tennessee artist kicked off the year on a high note. With over 50,000 monthly listeners on Spotify and over 1 million streams on her debut single “lost in brooklyn” from 2018, you wouldn’t believe that the artist on the rising act lost her voice for more than a year before releasing her latest tune. Fast forward to 2021 and a long battle recovering and rediscovering herself, Hannah Hausman is now making deeper and richer music than ever before.
Her new approach is both touching and inspiring, and Hannah says it reflects her inner optimist, the part of her who now sees only good in her year of struggle. “It’s crazy backwards, I know,” she said, “because at the moment I was so sad about it. But I realize now I had to lose my voice to find my real voice.”